Can you talk about the lack of affordable housing and transportation in Virginia and what impact it is having on families?
“It's been something that's a constant struggle for all of my families, and it's incredibly difficult as their resource specialist to feel like there are no resources at times”
Many times, with housing, our participants have to have a certain credit score, they have to have a certain down payment or monthly payment and it makes it so hard for the families to even plan ahead. Transportation is a huge issue for families in the Thrive Virginia service area. Many families don’t have a vehicle of their own or they are truly unable to care for the vehicles and get them fixed up. Relying on public transportation is not feasible, so many families struggle with employment, making money and affording a home. It’s a very difficult situation that seems to be an ongoing conversation.
As far as the cost of buying a house, renting a house seems like it's doubled, if not quadrupled even in the last 10 years. Are you seeing more families because of that?
The ability to afford adequate housing is something Thrive Virginia sees frequently. Rent has skyrocketed.
“I just had a family the other day. Her rent went from 1100 to 1600. Literally in a day...what are families supposed to do? There's just less and less options for families and it is scary and it's really hard when families are doing everything they can or they're supposed to, but the options just aren't there.”
What resources does Thrive Virginia offer to help with affordable housing?
Thrive Virginia has a HUD counselor. She assists with housing and finance classes, as well as an economic empowerment director who helps with budgeting finance classes, as well as, setting up a bank account, setting up savings, credit restoration, etc.
“Virginia Career Works has been incredibly helpful. We've asked them for assistance with credit restoration. They also help with paying for people to go to work, get their CDL license and things like that.”
With the families that you are working with, what are some of the mental health benefits that come with being involved in Thrive Virginia?
Thrive Virginia provides resources for housing or food pantries and also helps participants with mental health counseling resources. Liz states that one of the many benefits of working with participants is that there is a consistent person in their lives to assist with any questions or needs.
“with Thrive, you have someone to motivate and encourage you, someone to tell you that your progress is being seen. That everything they do there is someone to cheer them on or motivate them or encourage them.”
Tell us a little bit about the philosophy of helping yourself first so that you can help others.
Like many, Liz struggles with putting herself first, but knows she needs to take care of her needs before she is able to help anyone else. Liz’s supervisor also understands the importance of self care. She is constantly encouraging Liz to take a break, a mental health walk, self care, a breather in between.
“I was told you can't pour from an empty cup which I have tried to do my whole life with people. And you always hit rock bottom. You always find out real quick it's not gonna work…”
Can you share some stories with us about some of the families that you have helped in your time at Thrive?
“I had a family who was struggling with depression. She had three kids. She's a single mom and she's currently working at the same position she's had for a long time, and she's been wanting to do something more. She wanted to take a leap and go into pharmacy work and explore that and get higher pay. But she didn't have a resume and she was never shown how to make one, and she didn't understand where to begin.”
Liz was able to help her participant realize skills that she already had. From being good at speaking with people to working a cash register, she was able to add excellent communicator, active listener and money handling skills to her resume.
“That's a big part of working with these families. I love to empower them and let them see that they can do it.”
A second story Liz recalls is one that applies to many of her families- helping them open savings accounts. Even if it's 10, 15, 20 $5 in their savings account, Liz encourages her families to do it.
“starting it is the first step and most important step for their financial freedom.”
Liz’s favorite story involves a mom with 2 kids. She is not only homeless, but has no transportation whatsoever. She and her partner continue to struggle to make ends meet.
“She let me know just the other day, her boyfriend got a new job, , better paying job that offers a work vehicle. So, she just killed two birds with one stone. You could tell in her voice when she told me how thrilled she was.”
That's why I love this work. When your families share a success story, it's just the best feeling in the world. “
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Thrive Virginia uses person-centered and collaborative services to empower those fighting poverty to achieve individualized prosperity and community connections.
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Henrico VA 23231
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